US Vice President Kamala Harris was recently interviewed by CNN”s Dana Bash ahead of the US 2024 presidential election. During the interview, Kamala Harris revealed in details, Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of race.
Harris re-called the moment President Joe Biden informed her of his decision not to seek re-election in July. She mentioned that she was with her family, enjoying pancakes and bacon, and working on a puzzle when she received the call.
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“My first thought was not about me, to be honest with you, my first thought was about him”, Kamala Harris said when asked whether she asked for endorsement.
She went further to reaffirm that Biden was fully capable of serving another term, highlighting intelligence, judgement, and commitment.
“He is so smart, and I have spent hours upon hours with him being in the Oval Office and in the situation room. He has the intelligence, the commitment and judgement and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president”, Kamala Harris noted.
In contrast, Harris stated that former President Trump lacked these qualities.
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